ProVI Product features – All important functions at a glance

The key ProVI features at a glance.


Design your alignments in ProVI, graphically and interactively directly in the site plan. The smart alignment elements remember how they were designed. This makes changes much easier to implement because the adjacent elements are automatically recalculated, so that all logical relationships are retained. The feature alignment is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Alignment references
  • Alignment references:
    Establish dependencies between various alignments
Transition curve types
  • Transition curve types:
    Numerous transition curve types have been implemented in ProVI Rail
Guideline compliance checking in real time
  • Guideline compliance checking in real time:
    Design alignments in compliance with the rules
  • Switches:
    Join switches, crossings, and slip crossings with other alignment elements, prevent position errors
Existing alignments
  • Existing alignments:
    Reconstruct existing alignments from measured track points
Station jumps
  • Station jumps
    for any ProVI alignments by entering missing or excess lengths
Line optimization
  • Line optimization:
    Calculate the permissible speed for individual route elements, determine the round-trip time for the line
Routing in compliance with guidelines
  • Routing in compliance with guidelines
  • Visualization:
    Adaptable for each project according to DB, ÖBB, and RE regulations or other guidelines


Outer and central platforms are planned within the route model in ProVI. You can model the platform edge complete with coping stones and foundations, the platform surface, layer composition, platform drainage (box gutter or concrete gutter) and, for outer platforms, the rear side with angle support or non-raised curb. Platform fixture elements can be planned and positioned as well. The feature platforms is available in the Rail product.

Guideline-compliant platform edges
  • Guideline-compliant platform edges:
    Calculation of the 3D curve for the platform edge, modeling of existing platforms
Tactile paving system
  • Tactile paving system:
    Planning of the tactile paving system for the visually impaired with no interface losses
Revit interface
  • Revit interface:
    Transfer the platforms generated in ProVI to Revit, export the tactile paving system and the platform fixture elements

External models

Since it is BIM software, ProVI handles the import of IFC and CityGML models from other specialist applications, for example, to integrate existing structures or bridge models into the building model.

  • Collaboration with other project participants working on a shared building model
  • Interfaces to consolidate the submodels from various specialist applications, forming an overall model
Enrichment of projects planned in ProVI
  • Enrichment of projects planned in ProVI, for example, with surface construction planning from Revit and city models from GIS applications, visualization of these external models as interfaces in the route cross sections
  • Attribution:
    Editing of the supplied attributes, addition of new attributes

Vertical alignment

Vertical alignment establishes your route’s vertical profile, influencing the three-dimensional line layout, route structure, and the cut mass and filling. The feature vertical alignment is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Graphical design
  • Graphical design:
    Interactively edit the vertical alignment in the site plan and longitudinal section, or by entering the points of vertical intersection into a list
Guideline compliance checking in real time
  • Guideline compliance checking in real time:
    Design a vertical alignment in compliance with the rules
Station alignment
  • Station alignment:
    Choose the alignment for the calculation of station differences, vertical curve lengths, and tangent slopes
Volume adjustment
  • Volume adjustment:
    Ad-hoc volume calculation
Existing vertical alignments
  • Existing vertical alignments:
    Reconstruction of the existing vertical alignment from measured elevations
  • Visualization:
    Simultaneous visualization of multiple vertical alignments and longitudinal profiles in the grading plan, forced points

Land acquisition

With ProVI, you can import owner, land register, and cadaster data from ALKIS, calculate acquisition areas and create land acquisition plans and records. The feature land acquisition is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Import of plot data
  • Import of plot data from OKSTRA, ALKIS files, various ALB formats, or CSV files, interactive drawing preparation, assignment of parcel numbers, calculation functions, and check routines
Determination of acquisition areas
  • Determination of acquisition areas through the intersection of the parcels with the required areas
Generation of land acquisition records and plans
  • Generation of land acquisition records and plans according to DB, ASFINAG, or RE regulations
Export of parcel and land acquisition data
  • Export of parcel and land acquisition data via the OKSTRA interface or CSV files, IFC output of the required areas

Sewer planning

Use the ProVI sewer program to conveniently design and evaluate the drainage strategy for traffic routes as well as complete wastewater networks. The feature sewer planning is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Sewer design
  • Sewer design:
    Drainage planning with the interactive graphical sewer editor in the context of the overall model, calculation and check functions, use of component catalogs
  • Calculation:
    Manhole lists and drawings, hydraulic calculation with consideration of sewer segment-specific catchment areas, mass and volume calculation
  • Visualization:
    Visualization of manholes, sewer segments, and ditch layers in cross sections, site plans and grading plans, three-dimensional visualization of the sewer network with solids
Data exchange
  • Data exchange:
    ISYBAU interface for the import and export of drainage data, export of an attributed 3D model of your drainage network as an IFC or CPXML file

Cost editor

The program module KOSTEN can be used to create cost calculations based on a model collection. First, cost items are created or loaded from a template file. Components from the model collection can then be assigned to these items. The determined values of number of pieces, length, area, volume or tonnage from the component calculation provide the quantity for the cost item.

  • Up-to-date:
    Component calculation each time a cost file is opened to ensure that changes in the referenced model data are always up-to-date
Attribute filter
  • Attribute filter:
    Restricted selection to certain components, e.g. kerb types or drainage shafts above a certain depth
Fixed items
  • Fixed items:
    Calculation of prices using a fixed percentage of other items, e.g. for site equipment
Cost units
  • Cost units:
    Allocation of the calculated costs to up to 5 cost units

Control command and signaling

ProVI offers comprehensive functions for end-to-end digital planning of control command and signaling.

Construction states
  • Construction states:
    Construction state-specific processing of all LST objects, selection of the active construction state in each case
Rail data
  • Rail data:
    Linking with the alignment data, realization of track conversions, definition of track areas
  • Switches:
    Automatic detection of switches contained in the specified track axes, automatic initialization of speeds and limit sign positions, definition of track closures, track terminations and special track elements
  • Signals:
    Creation and editing of active and passive signals, information on type, construction and signal terms for active signals, definition of slow speed, secondary, shunting and level crossing signals for passive signals
Track vacancy detection
  • Track vacancy detection:
    track vacancy detection via axle counting points and vacancy detection sections, input of train action objects
  • Routes:
    Definition of train, shunting and middle switch section routes and composite routes
  • ETCS:
    Generation of ZUB area boundaries, data points and ETCS edges, creation of ETCS overview plans
Automatic planning support
  • Automatic planning support:
    Automatic generation of axle counting points and resulting clearance sections, automatic designations according to DB specifications, automatic route generation, automatic generation of data points, assistants for semi-automated planning of danger points and slip paths

Supply lines

Road and rail construction work always affects the supply lines located in the vicinity. Our CAD software allows you to see these in the context of the overall model. This helps you identify potential conflicts with your plans in the design stage. The feature supply lines is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Supply line editor
  • Supply line editor:
    Record and edit supply lines for utilities such as electricity, telecommunications, water, gas, or district heating in a graphical, interactive interface, along with the definition of all manner of supply line and junction types
Existing drawings
  • Existing drawings:
    Extraction of existing supply lines from existing drawings
  • Visualization:
    Visualization of junctions and supply lines in cross sections, the site plan and grading plan, three-dimensional volume model
Data exchange
  • Data exchange:
    Export of an attributed 3D model as an IFC or CPXML file, or via additional interfaces


Use ProVI to manage and edit the catenary masts complete with foundations and cantilever beams. You can enter the positions and elevations of masts either in the form of fixed coordinates or relative to a track alignment. Data from specialized programs for catenary planning, such as OLACAD, can be transferred to the ProVI model via interface files or from drawings. The feature catenary is available in ProVI Rail.

Evaluation options
  • Evaluation options:
    Visualization in cross sections, the site plan and grading plan, three-dimensional volume model

Cross section editor

Describe the roadway or railroad in the route with surprising ease using a fully parameterized 3D model. In railroad construction, you first model the track superstructure with the rails as a ballasted track, solid track, or tramway line. In road construction on the other hand, you generate lanes with the width and transverse slope progression as well as the underlying layer composition. The cross section editor is available in ProVI Road and ProVI Rail.

Flexible building blocks
  • Flexible building blocks:
    Compressive catalog of standard cross sections
Integrated specialist trades
  • Integrated specialist trades:
    Generation of the route model with data from terrain models, subsoil, sewers, supply lines / utilities, catenary, or external models
Parameterized and clearly arranged
  • Parameterized and clearly arranged:
    Use of flexible components with dimensions that can be variable within the route
Rule-based and up to date
  • Rule-based and up to date:
    Definition of the parameter values and existence of objects using rules, automatic adjustment of the route in case of changes
Smart and fast
  • Smart and fast:
    Automatic adaptation of the smart components
  • Animation:
    “Drive” along the route while editing in the cross section view
  • Bundling of multiple routes in a route project for the joint evaluation and visualization of various traffic routes
  • Evaluation:
    Determination of the masses and quantities from the route model according to REB, transfer to third-party programs for evaluation
  • Visualization:
    Derivation of visualizations for cross sections, the site plan and grading plan, 3D visualizations, three-dimensional volume model


Switches in ProVI are part of the branch alignment and can be positioned at any point along the main track – on a straight line, arc, or transition curve. Likewise, crossings and slip crossings are part of the intersecting alignment and can be positioned as required on straight lines and curves. The feature switches is available in ProVI Road and ProVI LST.

  • Dependencies:
    Efficient handling, also for extensive track planning, since any number of alignments can be edited simultaneously and joined
Position error are prevented
  • Position error are prevented because the switches are automatically re-integrated when the tracks are changed
Connection switches
  • Connection switches:
    Precise calculation of the switch position
Existing switches
  • Existing switches:
    Automatic positioning of existing switches in imported or re-routed alignments, adaptation of the switch triangle when needed
Track connections
  • Track connections:
    Automatic calculation of single crossovers and switch tracks among multiple tracks
Blade construction
  • Blade construction:
    Individual composition of tramway switches from standardized blade constructions and variable end pieces
Preparation of a switch grading plan
  • Preparation of a switch grading plan according to DB guideline 885.1102
Clearance points
  • Clearance points:
    Automatic calculation of the clearance point position
Comprehensive switch catalog
  • Comprehensive switch catalog with switches, crossings, slip crossings, and blade constructions according to the following guidelines:
    – Germany: DB Ril 800.0120, VDV BOStrab, Obri-NE, Ril Münchener U-Bahn
    – Austria: Voestalpine switches
    – Switzerland: SBB I-22046, VöV RTE 22564
    – Netherlands: OVS00056


ProVI actively assists you with the guideline-compliant routing of your roadways and railroads. Easily design guideline-compliant alignments, vertical alignments, and switches. Minimum, standard, and maximum values for element lengths, radii, and banking are automatically calculated for you if desired. Conformity with the guidelines selected by you is checked in real time even during the design phase. Positions are marked immediately in case of violations. The limit values to be checked are usually read from a configuration file, which means they can be adjusted by the user if needed.

Road guidelines
  • Road guidelines:
    – Germany (RIN, RAL, RAA, RASt, RLW, ERA)
    – Austria (RVS)
    – Czech Republic (CSN 736101)
Rail rules and standards
  • Rail rules and standards:
    – Germany (Ril 800, BOStrab, Obri-NE)
    – Austria (RW 01.03, HL guideline, B52)
    – Switzerland (SBB I-22046, VöV RTE 22546)
    – Netherlands (OVS00056)
    – Romania (NP109, I314)
Cross section guidelines
  • Cross section guidelines:
    Help with the design of compliant cross sections using calculation tools or with the selection of standard components from the guidelines
    – Standard profiles for roadways, ballasted tracks, solid tracks, and tramway tracks
    – Roadway/railroad widening calculation
    – Transverse slope calculation for roadways / railroads and shoulders according to RIN / RAS
    – Design of RAL intersection types
    – Calculation of stopping and passing sight distances according to RAL, RVS
    – Calculation of blind areas according to HViSt 2008
    – Marking lines according to StVO, RVS 05.03.11
    – Automatic calculation of the subgrade level width and slope according to DB guideline 800.0130
    – Minimum clearance outlines according to DB guideline 800.0130
    – Positioning of cable troughs according to DB guideline 800.0130
    – Platform edge calculation according to DB guideline 813 / ÖBB guideline RW 01.06
    – Volume calculation according to REB 21.003 / 21.033
  • Plans:
    Guideline-compliant generation of site plans, longitudinal sections, and cross sections, e.g. according to RE, DB AG

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ProVI GmbH   //   Garmischer Str. 21   //   81373 Munich   //